Local News

Reaching the World Next Door

Scott Griswold

Thousands of refugees have moved to Houston, Texas, from countries like Afghanistan, Bhutan, and Somalia where there is no Seventh-day Adventist Church. Because of religious persecution in their countries this is the first time these individuals have had an opportunity to know Jesus.

In response to this need, a new training center called Reach the World Next Door was recently set up in Houston to prepare young adults for cross-cultural missions. They especially train their students through active ministry among refugees. In a unique partnership, the center is operated by a supporting ministry called ASAP Ministries, while the director, Pastor Scott Griswold, is an employee of the Texas Conference.

Last year the GYC conference, Generation. Youth. Christ., was scheduled to be held in Houston. Tara Vang, GYC’s evangelism coordinator saw an amazing opportunity with the many refugees here. She contacted Reach the World Next Door and asked them to partner. Together they created new outreach maps that would take more than 2000 GYC volunteers out into the community in a way that would directly bless the refugees.

On Thursday, December 27, 2018, several thousand totes were given in the suburbs asking people to donate cleaning supplies and other items to be gifts for the refugees. On the following Sunday volunteers carried in so many donations it created a huge pile. Other volunteers went directly to areas that had many refugees and surveyed them to see if they would like a sanitation kit or a family kit.

As GYC came to a close on New Year’s Eve, hundreds of young people had made a commitment to serve God in missions. Many did not need to go far. For the first time ever GYC had a post-conference event. More than 50 individuals stayed to take the kits to refugees and Bible studies to the new interests.

The attendees slept on the floor at the Houston Central Seventh-day Adventist Church. Each morning and evening, the Reach the World Next Door team provided cross-cultural missions training. Tara Vang and her leadership team led the group in going door-to-door. Many were visited and each expressed their appreciation. One lady said, “I am so happy to see you. I didn’t think you would come back!”

On the final day of the post conference, the group divided into four groups to put on special programs among Afghani, Cambodians, Chinese, and Pakistanis. Combining health screening with presentations on principles for good finances and peaceful relationships, the programs were very successful. One place had to have simultaneous translation into Khmer and Lao.

The church members in Houston will further partner with Reach the World Next Door to follow up on these interests that they might see God’s love and know Him for themselves.

If you would like to learn more how to reach refugees, immigrants, and international students right where you are or to join their program contact Scott Griswold at 707.380.9554 or learn more at reachtheworldnextdoor.com.

A version of this article is featured in the Southwestern Union Record March/April 2019 issue. You can find the publication online at issuu.com/swurecord.


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