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Rise Up Now And Shine Like Never Before

Carlos J. Craig

Some of my most favorite words found in Scripture are those of Isaiah 60:1, NKJV: “Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.”

In these words of the prophet Isaiah, we hear the divine summons that comes to the Church today to awake, to arise, to shake herself free of the dust and din that has tainted her. To remove the cords of strife, contention and division and to finally shine forth, not in any faulty splendor that might proceed from her but fully clothed in the glory of Christ that radiates from her as a result of her intrinsic relationship with her groom, Christ.

These words, written some 2,700 years ago, prophesied of the impending Messianic deliverance. Those words find their secondary applications as words of encouragement to the Church today who anxiously awaits redemption and deliverance from a returning Messiah who will save His people from a world of doom and destruction.

If we read the message that surrounds this verse, we hear the prophet describing the world he sees as wrapped up and engulfed in a funeral pall of darkness. As the sharp light of the Gospel of divine promise penetrates that darkness, those who are called by God arise to shine in their own spheres of influence, thus becoming agents of change and transformation.

The age-old story repeats itself: Zion stands in the light while Egypt cowers in darkness! The light which shines is the glory of the Lord! His Church, touched by the light, becomes light herself! There is remarkable correspondence that takes place between an illuminating God and His illuminated people! Notice how in the passage, the phrase “Thy Light” is employed twice. It is the Creator’s light alone that is capable of penetrating evil’s darkness.

My dear fellow believers of the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, I truly believe with all my heart that the time has come for each and every one of us to position ourselves in such a place that the Light from heaven may shine through us and illuminate this territory for God’s honor and glory. Evil surrounds us on every side; we hear the tragic stories every day. Today, “Arise and shine, for your Light has come! And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.”

One comment

  • | 5 years ago

    Appreciate your timely, relevant words from Isaiah. We must arise and shine brightly our Lord’s light in the communities where we live. Prayer and study of the word is essential to strike the evil we face daily.

    God bless you and your family as we press forward to reach a dying world.

    Look forward to seeing you at Dallas First Church September 7.

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