
Miracle of Resiliency

Carlos J. Craig

Have you or someone you know had a knock at the door only to find a police officer standing there saying, “I’m so sorry to inform you there was an automobile accident and your son did not survive?” Or maybe you or someone you know has stood by the bedside of a loved one as the physician entered the room, drew a deep breath, then said, “I am regrettably the bearer of bad news: we found cancer ... ”

In moments like these, all the joy and vigor of life seems to wilt or even die on the vine. The cold valley of the shadow of death is a reality that all of us will travel through if we haven’t experienced it already.

One of God’s greatest miracles is the seed that He planted deep in every soul that sojourns on this earth, that enables the human being to become resilient when facing unspeakable grief.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 reads, “He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts … ”

It seems to me that the word “eternity” signifies two major and mighty spiritual tools. First, a hope and trust that stabilizes humans in moments of extreme and excruciating pain and suffering. The presence of God that passes all understanding.

Second, the ability to mentally and emotionally transcend the awful moment that one is experiencing to the extent that one is not crushed or annihilated by the weight of it.

When all ‘normalcy’ has vacated your life and it has become painfully evident that things will never be quite the same again, the power of Christ revitalizes your life, and you are empowered to gather the pieces and move forward with success and meaning in your life.

I speak of the miracle of resiliency that God has placed in each of us. We see it every day, and it is just as remarkable today as it was when the patriarch Job went through his personal series of tragedies.

The renown theologian F.B. Meyer wrote, “Tears are the material out of which heaven weaves its brightest rainbow.”

Even though extreme grief and bitter loss take time to cope with in a healthy and manageable fashion, the Lord has given His people the precious, unspeakable gift of grace that makes life bearable and even enjoyable in spite of the trials.

We recall the wise words of Solomon, the son of David, in Ecclesiastes 7:3, “Sorrow is better than laughter, For by a sad countenance the heart is made better … ”

We find the mighty David weeping but choosing to worship in the midst of it. We find the eloquent Daniel fainting yet discovering the fortitude to stare down lions. Finally, we encounter Christ, the Son of God, crying out in anguish, “My Father, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” Matthew 27:46. Not long afterwards, He proclaims those words that saved humanity: “It is finished!” John 19:30.

Friends, take heart today. We bear witness to these kinds of miracles every day!

God’s people move forward with heavenly strength. In Jesus’ name, we press on!


This first appeared in THE FLAME Special Miracles Issue 2019, a Texas Conference quarterly magazine. Find the entire issue at

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