THE FLAME Magazine

Divine Appointment

Joshua Reyna

“When did you stop believing in God?"

One evening, my wife, Rachel, my six-month-old son and I were canvassing (sharing inspirational books). We were about to go home when we saw one more house. We hesitated because it had a gate but remembered a literature evangelist’s words: “Skip a house, skip a blessing.”

After knocking on the front door, a lady opened it and asked what we wanted. We showed her some books on health, and then she noticed our devotional set. When the lady saw the books were about God, she said, “I don’t believe in God anymore!”

Rachel asked her, “When did you stop believing in God?”

She told us that about two months ago her dog, who was very dear to her, died. She had prayed for God to heal the dog, but He didn’t. She then shared that soon after her dog died, her mom also died. It had just been one bad thing after another in her life.

After she shared all the things she had been going through, I pulled out the book Steps to Christ and gave it to her. I told her that this book shows us how God is with us, especially in the tough times. I told her, “I’m not asking you to change your mind about God, but I am asking you to promise me that you will read this book.”

She promised to read the book, and we continued talking for a bit. Before we left, I asked whether it would be okay for us to say a prayer for her and her family. She said that it would be okay, so we prayed.

After the prayer, she said, “I am so glad you came by today! I don’t believe it was a coincidence!” With her finger pointed to the sky, she said, “I believe that He sent you here today!”

As we left, we had the joy in our hearts of knowing that God had a reason for us to be there and meet that lady. What if we hadn’t gone through the gate?


Joshua Reyna is the associate director for the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Publishing department. He feels blessed to be able to share God’s encouragement with others. If you would like to know more about the publishing work or are interested in becoming a student literature evangelist, visit the website:


This first appeared in THE FLAME Special Miracles Issue 2019, a Texas Conference quarterly magazine. Find the entire issue at

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