THE FLAME Magazine

Miracle of Forgiveness

Kenn L. Dixon

Hours after the death of their loved ones by the hand of a hateful 21-year-old, the families in Charleston, South Carolina, offer forgiveness.*

Holocaust survivor, Eva Mozes Kor, forgives her Nazi captors after 50 years and says, “I discovered that I had one power left in life. I could forgive … ”^

A young lady turns with tears in her eyes as she sits in court facing her accuser, who just months before tried to take her life, and says, “I forgive you.”

Forgiveness is a miracle that can only come from God. The ability to turn from hatred to love is a power that is found in our Heavenly Father.

As Jesus was hanging on the cross looking down at the jeering crowds, indifferent soldiers and contemptible leaders, He uttered these words, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do,” Luke 23:34.

The word “forgive,” in various forms, appears in Scripture more than 7,000 times. What is God telling us about forgiveness?

I believe He is telling us that although we are amazed at the incredible stories in our world of forgiveness and the ability of people who should not by human standards offer this gift, we can only truly forgive because of/through His grace. This is why forgiveness is still a miracle today.


Kenn L. Dixon, vice president for Communication & Public Relations at the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, is amazed at the power of forgiveness.




This first appeared in THE FLAME Special Miracles Issue 2019, a Texas Conference quarterly magazine. Find the entire issue at

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