Communication Department

Texas Conference March Events Rescheduled

The Texas Conference Communication & Public Relations team continues to monitor the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and its outbreak, especially here in Texas. Thankfully, cases have been relatively low in Texas thus far, but as people travel out of the state and return the cases have increased. As of this writing, no case has been reported on any of the Texas Conference campuses—church or school.

As we navigate through this difficult time, we want to remain vigilant and caring to our communities, members and co-workers. Those in vulnerable people groups may choose to remain home this Sabbath. If so, please know there are several churches that offer streaming and archival messages. Please find a list of Texas Conference churches offering streaming services at

Tithes can be returned, and offerings given online at Simply enter your church name on the home page. Once chosen, the church can be saved for easy giving. An AdventistGiving app is also available to download, if that is easier. Please note that your church must be enrolled for it to work. It is a free service for all Seventh-day Adventist churches. Find more information at (The church treasurer simply selects treasurer portal at the bottom to sign up.) If you prefer to continue writing checks, please contact your church treasurer who could arrange for pick up or provide the church mailing address.

This is an important time to connect with your fellow members to ensure their health and well-being and offer assistance, when possible. Encourage your church to create teams, if they have not done so already, to divide up the membership and make sure everyone is contacted. Consider it a good time to update your church membership list in case people have moved or changed phone numbers.

Texas Conference churches have been provided with recommended protocols to follow, if COVID-19 cases arise or increase in their area. At this time, all March conference events will be rescheduled to later dates. It is recommended that area events follow their municipality recommendations (For example, Tarrant county recommends all gatherings of more than 250 people be canceled and strongly encourages all other gatherings be canceled.)

We know God continues to be in control and can see a bigger picture, even when we are not able to understand it all. Utilize these opportunities to be an online or text witness to others who may not know the peace God can provide.

Please continue to follow the Texas Conference webpage,, for updated coronavirus information as it becomes available.


  • | 4 years ago

    Please e-mail me the schedule for offerings , March & April.

    • | 4 years ago

      You can find the offering schedule and offertory readings to download at

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