Club Ministries

Texas Creates First Club Ministries iCamporee

Tamara Michalenko Terry

The 2020 Coronavirus pandemic and subsequent stay-at-home orders meant that many springtime scheduled Pathfinder camporees had to cancel or postpone, including the one for Texas Conference Pathfinders usually held Easter weekend. That didn't stop club ministries leaders from getting creative and organizing the first Texas Conference Youth iCamporee (I for Internet since it would be streamed online).

Email blasts were sent letting directors know about the online event where Adventurers, Pathfinders and Master Guides were encouraged to set up camp April 17-18, 2020, in their backyard or living room and participate in the iCamporee.

“We were so disappointed to postpone our annual camporee,” Paulo Tenorio, Texas Conference Youth Director, said. “But we knew it would be irresponsible to have thousands of young people camping together with this novel virus spreading around the world.”

Meeting with his Pathfinder coordinators, the team figured out a way to offer a camporee experience while respecting the Texas stay-at-home orders. They were even able to get their original camporee speaker, Damian Chandler. Chandler is the senior pastor of the Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist Church in Sacramento, California. Those who attended the 2019 Pathfinder International Camporee in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, may remember his name as he was the keynote speaker.

“In addition to outstanding music and presentations, there will be challenges for everyone,” Tenorio added. “We have also created a Texas Conference youth iCamporee patch, but you must be registered and complete the challenges to be able to purchase the patch.” The cost would be $1 plus shipping.*

Since the event is online, all Adventurers, Pathfinders and Master Guides are welcomed and encouraged to join the iCamporee. Currently, there are 57 countries represented with 4,500 already registered.

To learn more and register, visit Pease use #txyouthicamporee to tag your camping photos this weekend.


Tamara Michalenko Terry is the associate director for Communication & Public Relations for the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

*Free to Texas Conference club ministries


  • | 5 years ago

    Quiero inscribirme para aventureros

  • | 5 years ago

    Wonderful, Congratulations for using all the talent available at the Conference Office and the The Field. It is a great idea. Another good thing coming out of the Covid-19 experience ! Be blessed. Cordially, Peter A. Weber

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