2021 English & Korean Evangelism – Pastors Information

Pastors, after you’ve read the letter below, click the appropriate link(s) here to sign up your…

  • Free English Evangelism Resources (GLOW, Amazing Facts Study Guides, Small Group materials).
  • Group Leaders for their subsidized zoom account for 2021-2023.
  • Volunteer Evangelists – Living with Hope to preach their own series. $1,000 grant.
  • Advance Teams to reach New Communities. $1,000 grant.
  • “I Will Go” Global Teams to go to Adventist Least-Reach Regions of the world. $2,000 grant.
  • Fall Reaping Meetings. See Timeline here
    • DFW & Houston Metro – Guest Evangelist plus $2,000 grant plus promotional package.
    • Outside DFW & Houston Metro – $1,000 grant plus promotional package.
  • Growth Hot Spot (10+ Baptisms/POF this year) contact Evangelism Director for help with
    • How to identify and activate a free hourly Bible Worker for three months.
    • How to receive a $5,000 matching grant.
    • How to receive 2/3 assistance for a major evangelistic series.

Others can sign up for these…



Dear Partners in the Greatest Mission on Earth!

It’s amazing. Even during a pandemic, racial tensions, economic stresses, political meltdowns and a funding freeze, pastors and their dedicated lay leaders across Texas kept winning souls for Jesus and His final movement!

As we look to 2021 the Conference Officers and Evangelism Team have discussed the need to put special emphasis on

  • God’s Mission – The Adventist Message to all Texas and the World in This Generation!
  • God’s People – Identify potential leaders and activate them in soul winning
  • God’s Money – Use it to activate volunteer soul winners, maximize growth hot spots and impact Houston & DFW Metro areas in a coordinated way

Here’s what we’re praying for and what resources are available for each. I hope and pray your churches become filled with these key lay leaders, especially among the young people. To build a great TEAM you want to Train, Equip, Activate and Mentor them to success.

  1. 10,000 Prayer Warriors (www.TenDaysOfPrayer.org
  2. 10,000 GLOW Missionaries (Starter Kit per pastor)
  3. 1,000 Volunteer Bible Workers/Baptism Coaches (Starter Kit per pastor)
  4. 1,000 Group Leaders (Zoom account per leader)
  5. 100 Volunteer Evangelists   ($1k grant)
  6. 100 Advance Teams/New Communities   ($1k grant)
  7. 10   “I Will Go” Global Teams   ($2k grant)
  8. All Pastors Baptizing at least Quarterly; Online Mentoring Groups for Pastors and for Volunteers available
  9. 30 Special Projects in Growth Hot Spots ($5k matching, 10+ New Adventists Goal)
  10. 200 Unlocking Bible Prophecies Sites in Houston & DFW Metro ($2k + $2k grant)
  11. 3,000 New Adventists (Baptisms + POF)

Here are key calendar dates.

  1. Spring 2021 Harvest Cycle – Emphasis on Volunteer Evangelists (in person or online)
    1. January 4   Pastors can begin requesting free print resources online (GLOW starter kits, Volunteer Bible Worker starter kits and Resilient Families small group resources) and group leaders zoom accounts (shared cost)
    2. January 4   Pastors can begin registering their Volunteer Evangelists, Advance Teams and “I Will Go” Global Teams online
    3. January 6-16   www.TenDaysOfPrayer.org 
    4. January 27 (Wed) @ 10am   Southwestern Union Pastors Zoom info
    5. February 13 (Sab) @ 3pm  Volunteer Evangelists Zoom training
    6. May 1-15   Reaping – Volunteer Evangelists reaping meetings using new AWR or ASI series, in person or by zoom
  2. Fall 2021 Harvest Cycle – Emphasis on Houston & DFW metro areas
    1. June 26   Fall Evangelism Training
    2. September 11-18   Reaping – Major reaping in Houston (100 sites) and DFW (100 sites) Metro areas – Coordinated project with Adventist World Radio, Southwestern Union and Southwest Region
  3. Special Projects
    1. March 13-27 Unlocking Bible Prophecies for other languages – online series
    2. Matching Grants of $5,000 for major soul winning projects in Growth Hot Spots (10+ baptisms & POF in 2020 or 2021). These can be applied for throughout the year.

This video will explain more.

The conversion of souls to God is the greatest, the noblest work in which human beings can have a part. In this work are revealed God’s power, His holiness, His forbearance, and His unbounded love. Every true conversion glorifies Him and causes the angels to break forth into singing.” Testimonies for the Church, volume 7 page 52.

Now is a great time to be praying the prayer Jesus told us to pray. “Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Luke 10:2.