Communication Department

Bishop Named Prayer Ministries Volunteer Coordinator

Tamara Michalenko Terry

Texas Conference Executive Committee met August 26, 2021, and voted Roderic Bishop, Brazosport and Galveston, Texas, Seventh-day Adventist Church pastor as the new Texas Conference Prayer Ministries volunteer coordinator effective September 1, 2021. The position was previously held by Letty Craig who is now serving at the Southwestern Union Conference in Burleson, Texas.

“We appreciate Craig’s service through the years,” Elton DeMoraes, Texas Conference president, shared. “She was faithful in sharing the prayer partners each year.”

When the replacement search began, it was a natural choice to select Bishop for this volunteer position in addition to his pastoral responsibilities. “During the pandemic, he established and co-facilitated several prayer groups in his area,” DeMoraes added. “Claiming Acts 1:14, we look forward to Bishop joining all Texas Conference members “together constantly in prayer.”

“I am humbled to be asked by the Executive Committee to serve as the prayer ministries coordinator,” Bishop said.

Knowing the importance of prayer, especially in these challenging times, Bishop has been asked to help other churches start small prayer groups in addition to connecting online. Eventually, the goal is to have a prayer summit where members from all over Texas can gather together to pray.

“One of the most beautiful and descriptive phrases pertaining to the early believers is that they experienced unity of mind as a direct result of praying together,” Bishop added. “The disciples were in complete agreement as to the commission Jesus had placed upon them and were determined to obey His instructions to remain in Jerusalem until the coming of the Holy Spirit.”

“I look forward to working with the leaders in the 10 areas of our conference,” Bishop concluded, “in strengthening and supporting prayer ministries as we anticipate the Lord’s Coming.”

Tamara Michalenko Terry is an associate director for Texas Conference Communication & Public Relations.


  • | 3 years ago

    May the Lord guide Texas conference as you seek Him in earnest prayer while the time draws nearer for Christ second coming. Prayers goes out to Pr Bishop and his wife as well. May God bless them abundantly as He leads in his ministry.

  • | 3 years ago

    May God continue to lead in your efforts as you endeavor to unite the members of the Seventh-day Adventist church in one accord in prayer as we await the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

  • | 3 years ago

    May HIS Name be praised as the promised Comforter guides your steps in the encouragement of HIS children, towards the waiting arms of Our Heavenly Father.

  • | 3 years ago

    Congratulations Dr. Roderic Bishop. May God’s Holy Spirit grant you wisdom, protection and endurance on this journey. God Bless!

  • | 3 years ago

    Brother Bishop
    Congratulations to you, you’re a true man of God who is not afraid to call God by His name, you’re a true representative of a disciple of Christ. Blessings always

  • | 3 years ago

    Blessings to you Pastor Bishop!!!

  • | 3 years ago


    “For the child of God prayer is not a BURDEN.”

    Charles D Brooks

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