Conference News

Texas Conference Transitions

Tamara Michalenko Terry

The Texas Conference Executive Committee met Thursday, April 29, 2021, by Zoom to conduct the business of the conference and fill vacancies in the Texas Conference office team.

Ismael Castillo was elected Vice President for Hispanic Ministries & Spanish Evangelism filling the vacancy left when Osvaldo Rigacci was elected Vice President for Multicultural Ministries for the Southwestern Union Conference in Burleson, Texas.

Sergio Rodriguez, currently pastor of the Burleson Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church in Burleson, Texas, and Joshua Spanish Koinonia Church, in Joshua, Texas, was then elected to fill Castillo’s previous position as Associate Director for Hispanic Ministries & Spanish Evangelism.

Jerrod Songy, currently a Trust Officer for Planned Giving & Trust Services in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, was elected Associate Director for the department filling the vacancy Lynette Ecord left when she was elected Planned Giving & Trust Services Director | Association Secretary during a previous Executive Committee following Roger Mekelburg’s retirement. Songy will continue to serve as the Trust Officer for the Dallas/Fort Worth area.

The Texas Conference Executive Committee will serve as the presidential search committee to elect a new president following Carlos Craig’s recent election as president of the Southwestern Union Conference and will convene Thursday, May 6, 2021.

Thank you for keeping these transitions, as well as others in our pastoral and education teams, in prayer as the Lord leads and guides to further God’s work here in the Texas Conference.

Ismael Castillo

Sergio Rodriguez

Jerrod Songy

Lynette Record

Tamara Michalenko Terry, associate director
Texas Conference Communication & Public Relations

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