
Could it be any better? (2020)

Carlos J. Craig

Philippians 1:6 – “Being confident of this very thing, that He Who has begun a good work in you, will complete it until that day of Jesus Christ…”

As we initiate yet another new year, a year of promise, of opportunities as well as challenges, we would do well to setting our sights on visualizing that which the Creator and Redeemer has deemed as the target and objective for our lives both individually and corporately.

Recently, I read an age-old Persian legend that word pictured four angels observing as God created and fashioned the world. One of the angels said: “Why did God make it?” Another questioned: “How did God make it?”  Yet a third angel inquired: Can I have it?” But the fourth and final angel asked: “Can I make it better?” Notice the differences in the questions of the angels. The first, philosophical, Why? The second, the scientific attitude, How? The third, obviously in the context of the parable proceeding from a follower of Lucifer portraying a selfish attitude, can I have it? But the fourth, the attitude of Christ and His followers, Can I help make it better?  Someone once stated: “The greatest enemy of excellence, is good…”

Perhaps individually and corporately, what we have done or accomplished can be described as qualified as “good”.  But is “good” what God has required?  I believe that if we are honest, in the deepest place of our spiritual fiber, we know that He has asked for excellence!  Thus, the question arises, how do we achieve “excellence” in our spiritual life as well as our everyday existence while here in this world?  Let us bring to memory the powerful words of the Apostle Paul there in 2 Corinthians 4:7 : “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God, and not of us…”

Notice carefully where the excellence in our lives comes from.  From the continual presence of God with us!  Immanuel = God with us! So often as we go about our daily lives, we settle for less than…  A pointed illustration is found in what avid golfers refer to as a “mulligan.” The “mulligan” in reality provides the golfer with an excuse to cheat. They will rationalize it to be as harmless as a “do over,” a “second chance.”

When the golfer steps up to the tee at the 14th hole having experienced a fairly good day up until then, and swings on the little ball slicing it heavily to the left toward the man-made pond, his heart sinks because now he will have a most challenging time making par.  What to do? He calls for a “mulligan” of course. A do over, a second chance.  Just a smidge of bending of the rules.  But at the end of the day, he knows that he has fallen short.  Yet if he is earnest about the “Game”, he at some point his respect for the Game and its standards will overrule the innate persuasion to deviate from the “integrity” (wholeness) of the golf experience. Instead of taking a “mulligan,” he will function within the parameters of the Sport, learn from the mistakes, and improve steadily aiming at excellence.  Perhaps in 2020, we can earnestly take strides toward fulfilling God’s divine purpose for us both individually and as a Church, that as the days roll by, they not fade into the distance within the definition of “good”, as opposed to “excellent.”

May the Lord’s richest blessing and guidance be yours as you forge ahead in works and deeds that bring honor and glory to the King of the universe and His eternal kingdom!


A condensed version of this devotional appeared in the January/February 2020 issue of the Southwestern Union Record |

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