Local News

Gulfhaven Church | “All About Jesus”

Jean Hagen

The Gulfhaven Seventh-day Adventist Church hosted a Revival seminar entitled “All About Jesus,” from May 26 to June 3, 2017. This dynamic series of meetings was presented by Lee Venden, a pastor, educator, author, and presenter for more than 30 years. Many of his sermons can be viewed online.

This series utilized very simple advertising focusing largely on members inviting friends and family to the meetings. A week before the meetings, Gulfhaven church members visited homes close to the church and extended invitations to the community. Many visitors attended each night and stayed throughout the course of the series. Our members faithfully supported the meetings and also gave a generous offering to support this ministry outreach.

Venden’s wife, Marji, an educator for more than 12 years, and mother of two children, had the kids spellbound as she helped guide them into a relational understanding of their Christian faith. The kids could hardly wait for their special feature each night when Marji told them wonderful stories and shared beautiful illustrations that connected with the presentations by Venden. He delivered powerful and inspiring messages, and no one wanted to miss a night. The attendance remained very high from the beginning until the end.

Venden used a model of a small table top which he attached three legs to illustrate our relationship with Jesus. The three legs represented Bible study, prayer, and sharing the gospel. He challenged attendees to follow these simple guidelines on a daily basis to get to know Jesus more intimately and establish a forever friendship with Him. Everyone that came received a wonderful spiritual blessing and many deepened their relationship with Christ and committed to improve their prayer life, devotional Bible study, and witnessing for Christ.

On the last Sabbath of the seminar, Venden gave a most incredible presentation on the Second Coming of Christ and the joy of traveling to our heavenly home with Jesus. This beautiful presentation had the audience in awe as he described the dimensions of the holy city, the river of life, gates of pearl, the streets of gold, and all the other beautiful things that Jesus has prepared for those who love Him to enjoy while spending eternity with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

I pray that we will all be there.

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