
Being Kind to Christ

Carlos J. Craig

Matthew 25:40 NKJV says, “And the King (Christ) will answer and say to them (the righteous), ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it (showed kindness and compassion) to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’”

I have read that particular portion of scripture countless times yet I admit I had not sat and meditated on its deep implications. Back in the 1950s it is said that approximately 90 percent of Americans identified themselves as Christians. Today, 60 years later, only slightly over 60 percent claim any affiliation to Christ and the Gospel. Somehow and somewhere Christianity gravitated towards doctrinal preeminence or the principles of prosperity and all but abandoned the practicality of being a representative of Christ in the midst of a sour and perishing world.

I am in no way intimating that the eternal truths of the Bible are not vital, I am simply saying that, by in large, an impenitent world that surrounds us is not impressed by a Christianity that preaches at them yet fails to be salt and light with our actions and lifestyle. I’m thinking that what has long been missing is = “towel, basin and water” Christianity!

In both of the stories found in Matthew 7 and 25, the sheep and the goats, people address Jesus in the following manner: “Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?” Until now, I hadn’t realized that the emphasis is not on what was done or not done, but rather on Who things were failed to be done for!

According to Scripture, a whole lot of Church-going folk had done a lot of things in the spotlight even in the Name of Christ, yet they had overlooked Christ Himself in the form of needy and less fortunate individuals that surround us every day. I am struck with how Jesus refers to whom we refer to as = “less fortunate” as His brethren!

Does that mean that He identifies with the most and relates to the best with those whom we wouldn’t necessarily find in our circles of trust? You see, being kind and compassionate to a neglected, and many times shunned world, is an essential cog in the wheel of Christianity and sanctification. It’s not about putting on clinics, doing cooking classes, conducting revelation seminars or carrying out community service projects so that we can post pictures on Facebook or write an article for the Record. It is more about a dedicated and unassuming lifestyle of positively impacting the communities we live in if not on a daily basis at minimum on a monthly basis. Being a child of God affects how we love and relate to people.

The story is told of a woman who one night had a dream where she was having an intense conversation with God. She pointed out to Him all of the suffering, social injustice, intolerance and neglect in the world around her. Then she demanded of the Lord: “Why aren’t You doing something about it?” His answer quickly came back: “I am, I created you…”

I leave you with the impressive words of a song by the Christian Group Casting Crowns (If we are the body): “But, if we are the body, why aren’t His arms reaching? Why aren’t His hands healing? Why aren’t His words teaching? And, if we are the body, why aren’t His feet going? Why is His love not showing them there is a Way? There is a Way!”

Day is dying. The night is far spent. It is most assuredly time for us to be the salt of the earth that light that dissipates darkness! For this, our cause, our mission.


A condensed version of this article is featured in the Southwestern Union Record May/June 2019 issue. You can find the publication online at

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