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Mission Trip to Jefferson Christian Academy

During February 2018, Carl and Sandy Keller began dreaming about taking another mission trip. They h…

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“Sew Blessed”

Denton First Seventh-day Adventist Church member, Wanda Thomas, loves to sew. Wanda’s mother sewed c…

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Houston International Church | Northern Sumatra Mission Trip

The Great Commission given to Christians is to "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing th…

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Honor Society–Not Just for High School

North Dallas Adventist Academy (NDAA) provides its top students plenty of opportunities to pursue ac…

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NDAA Mission Trip 2018 | Santa Elena, Belize

Over the spring break holiday, members of the North Dallas Adventist Academy traveled to Santa Elena…

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Students Find Their Voice Through Drama

The North Dallas Adventist Academy (NDAA) Drama Program held three performances in December of the p…

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Life Sketch | Bruno Arkunsinski

February 2, 1923 - May 3, 2018

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Houston Northwest Church Creates Reasons to be Thankful Post-Harvey

Members of the Houston Northwest Seventh-day Adventist Church youth group delivered 25 boxes of food…

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Engaging Hearts | Mentoring Lives

Alexis Rivera, the new Texas Conference Children’s Ministries director, has great plans for children…

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Jefferson Academy Church Campout Focuses on Religious Liberty

The Jefferson Academy Seventh-day Adventist Church had its 9th Annual Camp-out at Caddo Lake Lodge t…

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