The #ReliveActs Challenge

Jesus: But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.  Acts 1:8.


Book of Act #ReliveActs Challenge Special Emphasis

“Holy Spirit”

Acts 1:8; 2:4,8,38; 4:8,31;

 5:32; 7:55-56; 11:24;


Holy Spirit Witnessing

every believer

every day




Acts 10:2; 11:14; 

16:15, 31, 34; 18:8

Family Worship

every home

every day

Fall 2021


“House to house”

Acts 2:46; 12:12; 17:1-4; 

18:4; 20:20; 21:8


every week

every church & school

Spring 2022



Acts 2:38-41; 8:13, 36-38; 

9:18; 10:48; 16:15, 33; 18:8;

 19:5; 22:16


every quarter

every pastor

Fall 2022



Acts 1:8; 8:14; 11:19-22; 

13-14; 15:36-41; 16-20

Global Mission Team

every year

every district

Spring 2023

6. “Region”

Acts 1:8; 8:1, 4; 9:31; 13:49;

 14:6; 16:5-6; 19:1,10; 

20:1-3; 26:20

Church Planting Mission Group

every two year

every district

Fall 2023


Challenge #1 – Holy Spirit Witnessing

Ideas for Believers: Pray for specific people who need the Lord, Look for Divine Appointments, Give out GLOW tracts, Say something good about Jesus everyday, Share a Bible promise & encouragement, Be a Digital Missionary, Help a person going through pain or change.


Challenge #2 – Family Worship

Ideas for Families: Talk with the family about a time that works for all, Have it alone at first if necessary, Take turns with who leads out, Have Bible reading and prayer and a variety of other activities, Invite others to join you when possible

Ideas for Churches & Schools: Leaders make brief visits to homes to encourage & model family worship (Pastor & Elders -> Ministry & Group Leaders -> Group members and interests)(Principal & Teachers/Staff -> students and families).


Challenge #3 – Groups

Ideas for churches & Schools: Start new groups as often as possible with 3 leaders (upreach, inreach, outreach) and 1 church board mentor. Establish a clear discipleship network.

Upreach Leader – “How can I help each person in my group keep a living connection with Jesus?”

Inreach Leader – “How can I help each person in my group feel at home, especially new members, guests and those drifting away?”

Outreach Leader – “How can I help each person in my group learn to let their light shine for Jesus 24/7, and how can I lead our group in a local and global mission?

60 Minute Meetings Share…
10m  Inreach Divine Appointments

Answered Prayers

Thanksgiving for Milestones & Victories

40m Upreach Prayer

Bible Insights

10m Outreach Witnessing & Local Mission Stories

Global Mission Stories & Ideas


Discipleship Network 

(see Exodus 18)

Leaders of…
Pastors 1,000s
Elders 100s, 50s
Ministry & Group Leaders 10s


Challenge #4 – Baptisms

Ideas: Schedule Fill the Baptistry Sabbaths by faith (Suggested – 4th Sabbath of month) at least quarterly

Harvest Cycles (2 per year)

(January-June & July-December)

Focus on…
Sow Pray, Mobilize
Grow Groups, Bible Studies, Community Engagement
Reap Call for Decisions/Action
Keep More Groups, #ReliveActs Challenge


Challenge #5 – Global Mission Teams

Ideas: Pray for the people of specific countries, cities and regions to learn of Jesus, His Word and His final movement; Send a team of 3+ on a cross cultural mission team for a week, Sponsor a Volunteer Missionary for a year, Adopt a sister church in another part of the world, Challenge each group in the church to adopt a global mission project.

Special Sabbath School Project Least Reached Regions
2021-2022 Egypt-Sudan Field


Challenge #6 – Church Planting Mission Group

Ideas: Identify unentered communities/cities in your area (most public high schools serve about 10,000 population), take a prayer drive through the community and meet people, find a need in the community and fill it, start a weekly group in the community, make a 9-12 month timeline for launching a new church planting mission group in the new community, every two years pray that the Lord will help your district send 10% of the members as missionaries to start new work and gatherings in unentered communities, pray that within 2 years the group can become a church.

Send 10% of Church members as Missionaries to start Gatherings that grow into a Church that will send 10% …