Conference News

YouthRush | Seeing The Fruit Of Our Work

Karen Jimenez

“As I was canvassing (sharing inspirational books) with the Texas Conference YouthRush one day, I approached a lady to show her the book called Peace Above the Storm, a version of Steps to Christ. As I looked at her face, she was just looking at me with a smile. She said she already purchased the book and always keeps it by her side. 

“This book has been a blessing to me,” she said. “It has lifted up my spirit and helped me to keep going.” 

She opened the book and showed me how she highlighted the first three chapters in pink. Then she told me that one of her friends wanted to read it after her and when she finished it, she would pass it on to her friend. 

I shared with her that she didn’t have to wait; I had another copy for her friend. 

As I walked away, I was amazed to see the working of God and His Spirit with the people we meet. People are taking the books, reading them and being changed by them. 

It is not often as literature evangelists that we get to see the fruit of our work, but we are promised as it says in Isaiah 55:11, “so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” 

This was one instance where we got to see the impact that our books are making in the homes of the people that receive them. 

Find information about the Texas Conference student literature evangelist program at 


The article originally appeared in the January/February 2020 issue of the Southwestern Union Record |

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