Volunteer Evangelists – Spring 2021

Dear Partners in taking the Adventist Mission to all Texas and beyond!


The online Training for Volunteer Evangelists Sabbath afternoon February 13 went very well with 281 participants in the English and almost 500 in the Spanish! Praise the Lord! It’s recorded here as part of a playlist with the original training plus mentoring sessions.




Here are the five areas we covered in the original training. To see playlist of training and all mentoring sessions click top right of video before playing.

  1. Building Your Team.
  2. Finding & Recruiting Interests.
  3. Preparing Your Heart & Messages.
  4. Making Appeals and Calls to action.
  5. Baptisms, Follow up and Activating New Members for future soul winning.


There’s still time for more Volunteer Evangelists to get on board. Talk with your pastor to sign you up here. https://www1.texasadventist.org/2021evangelism/.


Here’s how to access the free graphics for your meetings this May.


The graphics can be used as is or with this synchronizing program that has many features you can try out.


Here’s a link to access the scripts in English or Spanish, or you can click on each topic below. There are some extras which can be used for mid-week follow up and/or Sabbath mornings.


The theme is LIVING WITH HOPE. Here is the suggested sermon schedule. Work with your pastor if you need to make any adjustments.


MAY 1-15, 2021


May 1       Sabbath        #B-2    Daniel 2

May 2       Sunday         #C-3    Signs

May 3       Monday         Day off

May 4       Tuesday        #E-5    Gospel

May 5       Wednesday    #G-7   Second Coming

May 6       Thursday       #J-10   Law

May 7       Friday           #K-11   Sabbath

May 8       Sabbath        #R-18   Baptism

May 9       Sunday          #H-8    Three Angels

May 10     Monday          Day off

May 11     Tuesday         #O-15   Death

May 12     Wednesday    #T-20    Denomination

May 13     Thursday       #V-22   True church

May 14     Friday            #P-16   Millennium

May 15     Sabbath         #Z-26   Heaven



We highly recommend that you and your team have at least one person ready for baptism before your first meeting then invite others to make their decision as you go along. May 15 would be a great Sabbath to have your first baptism.


You and your team can pick the location of your meetings. It can be in a living room, back yard, rec or community center, online, etc, wherever you can gather people to hear God’s Word and make decisions for Jesus and eternity.


You can join a Weekly Let’s Go! Mentoring group (open to anyone) Wednesdays at 1pm & 7pm Central time. Here’s the zoom link. Here is the playlist (click top right corner of YouTube below to see a dropdown menu) for the training and mentoring sessions so far…

Pastors can sign up for a Weekly Pastors Let’s Go group (currently employed pastors only) here.

Here are social media graphics for getting the word out.

Let’s Gooooooo!!! To win souls to Jesus and His final movement!


Blessings to you,


Dan Serns

Evangelism Director